
Photography & Watch Live

St. Mary's celebrates its athletes through photography. While nothing replaces attending a live sporting event, we are grateful for the parents and St. M supporters who capture images of our scholar-athletes in competition. 

Table Rock Sports
partners with St. Mary's for live coverage of many of its home and some away events. Visit their page to find the recent games or to check live coverage. 

 is an online platform used by many of our coaches for broadcasting games. Contact your team's coach to learn more. 


Jason Javarone
is a St. M faculty member and parent who generously donates his photography skills to our athletics department. Jason works hard to help us represent each sport. His work can be found here

Tim Tidball provides St. Mary's School with its athlete portraits and team photos. During each athletic season, information will be sent home about ordering photos. You can view Tim's work here.

St. Mary's Marketing Department assists the Athletic Department in collecting, organizing, and distributing photos of its scholar-athletes. If you have images you'd like to share, please get in touch with our Marketing Director.